Discover Unionsleden: Borgvik – Karlstad – Kristinehamn by Premium Electric Bike


Discover Unionsleden: Borgvik – Karlstad – Kristinehamn by Premium Electric Bike

4 Days 3 Nights
6 700 kr
From 15 years. +

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Embark on an unfor­get­tab­le cycling adven­tu­re along Uni­ons­le­den, a sce­nic rou­te con­necting char­ming towns and stun­ning lands­ca­pes. Star­ting in the pictu­res­que vil­lage of Borg­vik, known for its rich histo­ry and cul­tural heri­tage, you’ll ride through the vibrant city of Karl­stad, with its sun­ny atmosphe­re and water­front views, and con­ti­nue to the art-fil­led town of Kristi­ne­hamn, home to the ico­nic Picas­so sculp­tu­re by Lake Vänern.

Pac­kage Over­vi­ew: Disco­ver Unionsleden

Day 1 – Arrival and Start in Borgvik

Arri­ve in Karl­stad, whe­re trans­por­ta­tion will take you to the char­ming indust­ri­al vil­lage of Borg­vik. Explo­re the histo­ric sur­roundings befo­re spen­ding the night at the renow­ned Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen, celeb­ra­ted for its wel­coming atmosphe­re and excep­tio­nal dining.

Day 2 – Borgvik to Karlstad

Begin your cycling adven­tu­re along Uni­ons­le­den, tra­ve­ling through the stun­ning lands­ca­pes sur­rounding Lake Vänern to Karl­stad. Check in at the Eli­te Stads­ho­tel­let, an ico­nic hotel in the heart of the city. In the eve­ning, take a lei­su­rely stroll along the Kla­räl­ven River or immer­se your­self in Karlstad’s rich cul­tural offerings.

Day 3 – Karlstad to Kristinehamn

Con­ti­nue east­ward towards Kristi­ne­hamn, cycling along the Vänern coast and through open country­si­de. Spend the night at Park­ho­tell Kristi­ne­hamn, known for its per­so­nal ser­vice and prox­i­mi­ty to local attrac­tions, inclu­ding the impres­si­ve Picas­so sculp­tu­re by the sho­res of Lake Vänern.

What’s Included

  • Pre­mi­um electric bike ren­tal for a com­for­tab­le and enjoyab­le experience.
  • Trans­por­ta­tion from Karl­stad to Borg­vik upon arrival.
  • Three nights of accommodation: 
    • Night 1: Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen in Borgvik
    • Night 2: Eli­te Stads­ho­tel­let in Karl­stad (Supe­ri­or Doub­le Room)
    • Night 3: Park­ho­tell Kristinehamn

Optional Extras in Borgvik

  • Gui­ded tour of Borgvik’s indust­ri­al heritage.
  • Kay­a­king on Lake Vänern.
  • Hiking on near­by trails.
  • Visit to Sli­pe­ri­et, showca­sing high-qua­li­ty art exhibitions.

Explo­re the beau­ty of Värm­land on this cura­ted cycling jour­ney, com­bi­ning histo­ry, natu­re, and cul­tu­re in one memo­rab­le adventure!



Expe­ri­ence Uni­ons­le­den in Style:
Expe­ri­ence the rou­te with ease and com­fort on a pre­mi­um electric bike, allowing you to ful­ly enjoy the bre­ath­ta­king sur­roundings wit­hout bre­a­king a sweat. Whet­her you’­re drawn to histo­ric land­marks, sere­ne natu­re, or vibrant urban life, Uni­ons­le­den offers somet­hing for everyone.

What's Included

  • Cycle map for mobile
  • Electric bikes with long range
  • Walking distance from the train station
  • Landsvägscykel
  • Close to nature and forest
  • Close to beach and swimming

What's Excluded

  • Entrance tickets

Location Map

Got a Question?

  • Varmland by bike är ett projekt som drivs av Bulten Bike. Specialist för premiumcyklar. Vi hyr ut och driver webbsidan där du kan hitta information om cykelleder, cykelturer och besöksmål som är enkelt att nå med cykel.
  • 054-20 33 009
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