Cycle the Unionsleden and experience the unique environment in Borgvik


Cycle the Unionsleden and experience the unique environment in Borgvik

The Price :   3 750 kr

Date Expired !

Duration :   3 Days 2 Nights
Age Range :   From 16 years.
Start Location:   Karlstad

Embark on an explo­ra­tion with our pre­mi­um bike pac­kage, star­ting from the vibrant city of Karl­stad and following the histo­ric Uni­ons­le­den to the char­ming indust­ri­al vil­lage of Borg­vik. Expe­ri­ence a blend of adven­tu­re, histo­ry, and natu­ral beau­ty, per­fect­ly com­ple­men­ted by a two-night stay at the histo­ric Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen, known for its wel­coming atmosphe­re and exqui­si­te cuisine.

Pac­kage Overview:

  • - Begin your jour­ney in Karl­stad, whe­re pre­mi­um ren­tal bikes await to take you on an unfor­get­tab­le jour­ney along Uni­ons­le­den. This sce­nic rou­te leads you through lush lands­ca­pes and tranquil natu­re to pictu­res­que Borg­vik, a pla­ce rich in indust­ri­al histo­ry and sur­roun­ded by the majestic beau­ty of Vänern and its forests.
  • - Enjoy a two-night stay at Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen, an ico­nic establish­ment in the heart of Borg­vik. Known for its histo­ric charm and modern ame­ni­ti­es, the hotel pro­mi­ses a rest­ful night’s sleep after days of explo­ra­tion. The pac­kage inclu­des a mul­ti-cour­se din­ner each eve­ning, whe­re you can savor gour­met dishes pre­pa­red with local ingre­di­ents, reflecting the regi­on’s rich culi­na­ry traditions.
  • - Custo­mi­ze your adven­tu­re with optio­nal acti­vi­ti­es that bring Borg­vik’s histo­ry and natu­ral splen­dor to life. Choo­se between a gui­ded tour through Borg­vik’s indust­ri­al histo­ri­cal sites, a pea­ce­ful padd­ling tour on the vast Vänern, or a hike along near­by trails that offer bre­ath­ta­king views and a chan­ce to unwind in nature.

Depen­ding on the avai­la­bi­li­ty of boat bus ser­vices in the sum­mer of 2024, you may also take a boat trip between Borg­vik and Ham­marö on cer­tain days of the week.

Wha­t’s included:

  • - Pre­mi­um electric bike for a com­for­tab­le and enjoyab­le jour­ney from Karl­stad to Borgvik.
  • - Two nights’ accom­mo­da­tion at the char­ming Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen, com­ple­te with a mul­ti-cour­se din­ner each eve­ning showca­sing the best of local cuisine.
  • - Optio­nal addi­tions: Gui­ded tour of Borg­vik’s indust­ri­al heri­tage, kay­a­king on Vänern, or hiking on sur­rounding trails. Expe­ri­ence high-class art exhi­bi­tions at Sli­pe­ri­et.

Expe­ri­ence Uni­ons­le­den in Style:
Our pre­mi­um cycling pac­kage is desig­ned for tho­se loo­king to com­bi­ne adven­tu­re with cul­tural and gast­ro­no­mic expe­ri­ences. Whet­her you’­re cycling through tranquil lands­ca­pes, del­ving into Borg­vik’s rich histo­ry, or enjoying out­do­or acti­vi­ti­es, this pac­kage offers a com­pre­hen­si­ve way to expe­ri­ence the beau­ty of Värm­land. Book your trip today and cre­a­te lasting memo­ri­es in the heart of Sweden.

What's Included

  • Cycle map for mobile
  • Electric bikes with long range
  • Walking distance from the train station
  • Hotel
  • Landsvägscykel
  • Close to nature and forest
  • Close to beach and swimming

What's Excluded

  • Entrance tickets

Location Map

Got a Question?

  • Varmland by bike är ett projekt som drivs av Bulten Bike. Specialist för premiumcyklar. Vi hyr ut och driver webbsidan där du kan hitta information om cykelleder, cykelturer och besöksmål som är enkelt att nå med cykel.
  • 054-20 33 009
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