A slight­ly long­er trip through open country­si­de on country roads with litt­le traf­fic. Out­stan­ding views through an inte­re­s­ting cul­tural envi­ron­ment and just enough distan­ce between the stops. Or why not split the tour and drop in at Apte­rin or Döm­le Herrgård.

A bike ride along the Kla­räl­ven on a road bike or electric bike is a fan­tastic expe­ri­ence. The stretch between Karl­stad, Aper­tin, Döm­le and back to Karl­stad offers beau­ti­ful views of the river and sur­rounding lands­cape. The jour­ney begins in Karl­stad, whe­re you dri­ve along the cyc­le path along the river. After a few kilo­me­ters you come to Aper­tin, a char­ming vil­lage with a vari­e­ty of restau­rants and shops. Here you can take a bre­ak and enjoy food and drink befo­re con­ti­nu­ing your jour­ney towards Dömle.

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