E‑bike for long journeys

From 500 kr - 550 krper day

Day based pricing : Cube Kathmandu
1 - 3 days : 550 kr / Day
4 - 14 days : 500 kr / Day
Pick up date
Drop off date


Are you rea­dy to expe­ri­ence the free­dom and flex­i­bi­li­ty of a Cube Kath­man­du electric bike? Now you can rent our robust long-range electric bikes and expe­ri­ence a new level of com­fort and per­for­man­ce. Our e‑bikes are equip­ped with power­ful motors and long-lasting bat­te­ri­es that allow you to go furt­her than ever befo­re wit­hout having to wor­ry about the bat­te­ry run­ning out. Robust con­struc­tion and high qua­li­ty com­po­nents mean that our bikes are easy to hand­le and can hand­le all types of terrain.

Our electric bikes are per­fect for anyo­ne who loves cycling but wants a litt­le extra help along the way. They are also ide­al for peop­le who find it dif­ficult to cyc­le long distan­ces or on rough ter­rain. If you want to explo­re natu­re, take a trip to town or just have a fun and relax­ing bike ride, our electric bikes are the per­fect choice.

So if you want a new and exci­ting expe­ri­ence on two whe­els, rent one of our rug­ged long-range electric bikes today!

Bulten Bike har försäljning och service av lastcyklar, vikcyklar, specialcyklar, cykeltrailer och cykelsläp. Vi erbjuder även utbildning och konsulttjänster inom hållbara cykeltransportlösningar.