
Live wherever you want with a bicycle and micro-caravan

Our bicyc­le trai­ler with infla­tab­le tent is the per­fect cho­ice for excur­sions and sight­see­ing with the family. With this trai­ler, you can easily bring eve­ryt­hing you need for an over­night stay in natu­re, inclu­ding an infla­tab­le slee­ping pla­ce for two peop­le. The bicyc­le trai­ler is equip­ped with a robust and durab­le frame, as well as an easy-to-dri­ve and easy-to-maneu­ver design. It is also equip­ped with an adjus­tab­le tow­bar to adapt to your bike. With this trai­ler, you and your part­ner can explo­re natu­re in a more com­for­tab­le and flex­ib­le way. Book now and expe­ri­ence the adventure!