The Picas­so Sculp­tu­re in Kristi­ne­hamn is a remar­kab­le pie­ce of art histo­ry loca­ted in Värm­land, Swe­den. Cre­a­ted by the world-famous artist Pablo Picas­so, this monu­men­tal sculp­tu­re stands as a tes­ta­ment to his abstract and cubist style.

The sculp­tu­re is made of concre­te and stands 15 meters tall, making it an impo­sing sight. It was unvei­led in 1965 and has sin­ce become a sig­ni­fi­cant cul­tural land­mark in the regi­on. Visi­tors can admi­re the sculp­tu­re and also learn more about its histo­ry and Picas­so’s con­nec­tion to Kristi­ne­hamn at the near­by Picas­so Museum.