Begebe dich sich auf ein unvergessliches Abenteuer mit unserer Radtour rund um den atemberaubenden Vänernsee in Mittelschweden! Wenn du auf dem Radweg am Vänernsee radeln, wirst du mit atemberaubenden Ausblicken auf den See, malerische Landschaften und charmante schwedische Dörfer verwöhnt. Unsere Route führt dich durch abwechslungsreiche Landschaften, von üppigen Wäldern bis hin zu wunderschönen Stränden, und bietet dir die Möglichkeit, das Beste der schwedischen Natur zu erleben.
Unsere Tour ist sowohl für Anfänger als auch für erfahrene Radfahrer konzipiert. Optional sind Premium-E-Bikes mit großen Packtaschen und Helmen erhältlich. Jeden Tag übernachtest du in einem gemütlichen Hotel (3–4 Sterne), wo du dich entspannen und in die lokale Kultur eintauchen kannst .
Zusätzlich zum Radfahren beinhaltet unsere Tour Abstecher zu lokalen Sehenswürdigkeiten und historischen Stätten entlang des Radwegs und gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, etwas über die reiche Geschichte und Kultur der Region um den Vänernsee zu erfahren. Die Tour folgt Vänerleden, einer nationalen, qualitätsgesicherten Route von rund 650 km. Aufgeteilt in 12 Etappen zwischen 40 und 85 km.
Lass dich sich diese unglaubliche Gelegenheit nicht entgehen, die Schönheit des Vänernsees zu erkunden und in die reiche Kultur Mittelschwedens einzutauchen.
The routes encompass both tarmac and gravel surfaces, with no steep climbs. You'll find yourself on dedicated bike paths as well as quiet streets with minimal traffic. While the terrain itself isn't overly challenging, the duration of the trip can be demanding. It's essential to ensure you are comfortable with long periods of cycling and can handle sitting in the saddle for consecutive days.
In the unfortunate event of a breakdown, we've got you covered. We've gathered information on repair shops close to the route to assist you in getting back on track. Additionally, we've contacted local taxi companies to confirm the possibility of securing a lift, though please note this would be at your own expense. If you're renting one of our bikes, rest assured they are from a premium brand and have successfully navigated the lake route multiple times without issue.
No worries! Your accommodation is securely booked for the given dates, and we have included a rest day halfway through the tour to give you time to recharge. In the worst-case scenario, we can refer you to a taxi company to pick you up, although please note this would be at your own expense.
You can bring your own bike but we recommend you our rental e-bike. Usually it would be a Riese&Müller Multicharger. We can also offer cargo bikes.
All hotels are booked are including breakfast. Meals during the day are up to you. There are many cafés and restaurants on the route.
Don't miss Swedish fika!
We book with the best and most comfortable hotels around the route. They have usually 4 stars.
We provide you with digital maps in GPX format. You can use your mobile as navigation device (together with BikeGPX app).
Along the route you will also find these signs at many junctions.
The weather June to August is usually quite stable and sunny.
Since we provide large pannier bags with our rental bikes, you'll have ample space for your belongings. However, it's best to pack light and smart. Here are some recommendations:
Clothing: Bring comfortable, weather-appropriate attire. We recommend layering up to adjust to changing temperatures. Don’t forget a waterproof jacket just in case.
Footwear: Comfortable shoes suitable for biking and walking.
Personal Items: Sunscreen, sunglasses, personal medications, and any other personal items you can't do without.
Remember, your comfort is key to enjoying the ride, so pack accordingly!