Wel­come to Värm­land by bike c/o Bul­ten Bike, your go-to sour­ce for high-qua­li­ty ren­tal bikes and custo­mi­zed bike trips in the beau­ti­ful cen­tral Swe­dish regi­on of Värm­land. Our regi­on is a true para­di­se for cyclists, with three natio­nal bike tracks that meet here and an abun­dan­ce of natu­re and lakes to explo­re. The regi­on also boasts excel­lent bike-fri­end­ly infrastructu­re, making it easy and safe to explo­re by bike.

We offer a wide vari­e­ty of ren­tal bikes, inclu­ding car­go bikes, fol­ding bikes, e‑bikes and others. All of our bikes are regu­lar­ly ser­viced and main­tai­ned to ensu­re max­i­mum safe­ty and per­for­man­ce. We also offer self-gui­ded bike trips showing a lot of the local cul­tu­re, histo­ry, and natu­ral wonders.

At Bul­ten Bike, we pri­de our­sel­ves on pro­vi­ding pro­fes­sio­nal and fri­end­ly ser­vice. We understand that eve­ry cli­ent is dif­fe­rent and we are com­mitted to cre­a­ting a custo­mi­zed tra­vel expe­ri­ence that meets your uni­que needs. Safe­ty is our top pri­o­ri­ty and we have strict gui­de­li­nes in pla­ce to ensu­re that all of our trips are con­duc­ted in a safe manner.

Don’t miss out on the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re the beau­ti­ful cen­tral Swe­dish regi­on of Värm­land by bike. Con­tact us for more infor­ma­tion: hej@varmlandbybike.se