From 3 300 kr
2 People 
3 Days 4 Nights 
Expe­ri­ence Karl­stad on a new level with our exclu­si­ve pac­kage for 3 days and 4 nights. Enjoy the beau­ti­ful sce­ne­ry and cul­tural sce­ne whi­le cycling around the city in the midd­le of the Kla­räl­ven del­ta. The pac­kage inclu­des bicyc­le ren­tal, sug­ges­tions and maps for tours to disco­ver art and cul­tu­re, and accom­mo­da­tion in a central­ly loca­ted hotel. 
From 2 390 kr
2 People 
3 Days 2 Nights 
Expe­ri­ence Värm­land or Lake Vänern all around from the sadd­le. We have made it easi­er than ever to vaca­tion by bicyc­le. With high-qua­li­ty electric bicycles and uni­que tent trai­lers, the jour­ney becomes com­for­tab­le. The tent trai­ler has all the cam­ping equip­ment you need for a won­der­ful cam­ping life. 
From 1 950 kr
4 People 
3 Days 2 Nights 
Expe­ri­ence a memo­rab­le family vaca­tion with our offer “3 days with bike, beach and excur­sions”. Enjoy nice bike rides along beau­ti­ful roads and visit sce­nic pla­ces toget­her with your todd­lers. End the day with a good swim on one of our beau­ti­ful beaches. Our excur­sions are adap­ted for fami­li­es with small child­ren and gua­ran­tee fun and adven­tu­re for the who­le family. 
From 3 300 kr
2 People 
3 Days 4 Nights 
Expe­ri­ence Karl­stad and Ham­marö and the sur­rounding area from the bicyc­le sadd­le. Take part in the beau­ti­ful archi­pe­la­go envi­ron­ments by Swe­den’s lar­gest lake, feel the pul­se of the sum­mer city and enjoy uni­que sights in Värm­land during three won­der­ful days. You live com­for­tably and stra­te­gi­cal­ly clo­se to a network of cyc­le pat­hs and cyc­le pat­hs at the well-known Gustaf Frö­ding Hotell & Kon­fe­rens. Choo­se your­self which tours will be your day’s leg depen­ding on your inte­rest and mix well between both natu­re and cul­tu­re the­mes, city-bre­aks with the pul­se of a big city and har­mo­ni­ous archi­pe­la­go envi­ron­ments. Karl­stad is Värm­lan­d’s lar­gest city, known for its many hours of suns­hi­ne and the ever-pre­sent water. Sol­sta­den — as it is also cal­led — is built on a del­ta of the Kla­räl­ven’s many bran­ches, whe­re the city cen­ter in the south also bor­ders both the Väner coast and the island of Ham­marö, a beau­ti­ful encla­ve that stret­ches out into the nort­hern parts of the inland sea. Acces­si­bi­li­ty by bike is extre­mely good and in addi­tion to many traf­fic-free options in the form of an exten­si­ve network of cyc­le pat­hs, Karl­stad is also a hub for two natio­nal cyc­le pat­hs — the Uni­ons­le­den from Moss in Nor­way and the Väner­le­den around the enti­re Lake Vänern — as well as the uni­que Kla­rälvs­ba­nan cyc­le path which offers 100 km of traf­fic-free cycling through the Värm­land lands­cape. Our uni­que cycling pac­kage invi­tes gre­at flex­i­bi­li­ty, but is also well plan­ned: lun­ches are inclu­ded regard­less of whe­re you choo­se to cyc­le. Vari­ous entran­ce tic­kets and cof­fee options as well. The accom­mo­da­tion holds the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Cyc­le-Fri­end­ly Hos­pi­ta­li­ty. Buy the pac­kage and take part in the vari­ous daily pro­grams that are recom­men­ded. Custo­mi­ze the bike as nee­ded — options such as a box electric bike with a seat for the child­ren or a regu­lar electric bike are pos­sib­le. All day trips are avai­lab­le as a GPX file. [lea­flet-map !scrollwhe­el fitbounds=0 width=100% height=650px zoom=12 zoomcontrol=1 addresses=“Karlstad” ] [lea­flet-sca­le] [lea­flet-gpx src=“” weight=8 color=aqua]Strand runda[/leaflet-gpx] [lea­flet-gpx src=“” weight=8 color=red]Klarälvsbanan mot Gam­la Kraftstation[/leaflet-gpx] [lea­flet-gpx src=“” weight=8 color=violet]Ö‑runda[/leaflet-gpx] [lea­flet-gpx src=“” weight=8 color=orange]Konst & gallerior[/leaflet-gpx] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.37097723634047, 13.391933078750586”]Skut­ber­get[/le­a­flet-mar­ker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.36217109973908, 13.354965379460525”]Bomstadbaden[/leaflet-marker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.38527018278663, 13.498680973097073”]Musei­par­ken[/le­a­flet-mar­ker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.607943652921, 13.474629669311671”]Gam­la Kraft­sta­tion[/le­a­flet-mar­ker]  
On Sale !
From 3 000 kr
6 People 
3 Days 
Our bike pac­kage for 2 adults and up to 4 child­ren is per­fect for fami­li­es who want to expe­ri­ence the beach and natu­re toget­her. With this pac­kage, you can easily explo­re the beau­ti­ful sur­roundings on safe cyc­le pat­hs. Explo­re the coast­li­ne, enjoy the sea views and disco­ver the rich wild­li­fe found in the area.   The bikes are equip­ped with com­for­tab­le seats and sto­rage spa­ces, so you can bring food and drink, clot­hes and other things you need during the ride. The bikes are easy to hand­le and safe for the who­le family to use. With the long backrest, the child­ren can sit com­for­tably and safely whi­le you make your way along the cyc­le pat­hs. With this bicyc­le pac­kage, you can cre­a­te memo­ri­es for a life­ti­me toget­her as a family. Expe­ri­ence the beach and natu­re in a new way, and sha­re the adven­tu­re with your loved ones. Order now and go on an adven­tu­re with the who­le family! All bikes are electric bikes with a long range.  Here you will find some selec­ted pla­ces that are par­ticu­lar­ly sui­tab­le for fami­li­es with small child­ren. Take a swim or spend the who­le day on the beach. Or disco­ver some playgrounds out of the ordi­na­ry.   [lea­flet-map !scrollwhe­el fitbounds=1 width=100% height=650px zoom=12 zoomcontrol=1 addresses=“Karlstad” ] [lea­flet-sca­le] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.37097723634047, 13.391933078750586”]Skut­ber­get[/le­a­flet-mar­ker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.36217109973908, 13.354965379460525”]Bomstadbaden[/leaflet-marker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.39448483994507, 13.613399516636642”]Alster strandband[/leaflet-marker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.36863058509431, 13.488783469971755”]Marie­bergsko­gens bad­plats[/le­a­flet-mar­ker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.38306074022152, 13.547014986712968”]Örsholmens badplats[/leaflet-marker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.38527018278663, 13.498680973097073”]Musei­par­ken[/le­a­flet-mar­ker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-star-fil­led” color=“gold” address=“59.31180708380331, 13.498195520483792”]Mör­rud­den[/le­a­flet-mar­ker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-admin-post” color=“white” address=“59.38399992401826, 13.501412966081649”]Äventyrslekplats Museiparken[/leaflet-marker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-admin-post” color=“white” address=“59.369407360958704, 13.484366627436517”]Mariebergskogen[/leaflet-marker] [lea­flet-mar­ker svg background=“#777” iconClass=“dashicons dashi­cons-admin-post” color=“white” address=“59.39791298132047, 13.601934380083772”]Alster Herrgård[/leaflet-marker]  

Bathing places

Als­ter’s beach bath Als­ter’s Strand­bad is a bat­hing spot on Lake Vänern with both a san­dy beach and rock bat­hing. The swim­ming area is nice with a shal­low san­dy bot­tom and jet­ty. Here the­re is also a small san­dy beach sur­roun­ded by rocks, and next to the pool is a mari­na. Jet­ty / Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Gar­bage bin / Toi­let / Prox­i­mi­ty to cafe/kiosk Bomstad bat­hs Bomstad­ba­den is a child-fri­end­ly bat­hing area by Lake Vänern. The swim­ming area is very shal­low and the sand is fine-grai­ned, which in sum­mer attracts many fami­li­es with child­ren. The 400-met­re-long san­dy beach means that the pla­ce is usu­al­ly cal­led Värm­lan­d’s rivi­e­ra. Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Rub­bish bin / Toi­let / Clo­se to cafe/kiosk Marie­bergs­sko­gen’s bat­hing area The swim­ming area in Marie­bergs­sko­gen is loca­ted by one of Karl­sta­d’s many Väner bays. It is a popu­lar pla­ce with a lovely south-facing san­dy beach and lar­ge gras­sy are­as. When you want a bre­ak from swim­ming, you can bor­row balls and play beach vol­ley­ball, stre­et bas­ket­ball, bou­les and rent clubs for the track golf and disco­ver the rest of the park. Marie­bergs­sko­gen’s swim­ming area is part of Marie­bergs­sko­gen, Karl­sta­d’s city park. The swim­ming area has a fair­ly lar­ge san­dy beach and is sur­roun­ded by lar­ge gras­sy are­as. It is very well visi­ted and appre­ci­a­ted by both Karl­stad resi­dents and visi­ting tou­rists. In the kiosk you can buy ice cream and other things sui­tab­le for a day at the beach. When you want a bre­ak from swim­ming, you can bor­row balls and play beach vol­ley­ball, stre­et bas­ket­ball, bou­les and rent clubs for the track golf. Toi­let / Prox­i­mi­ty to cafe/kiosk Orr­hol­men’s bat­hing area Orr­hol­men’s swim­ming area by Lake Vänern has a san­dy beach and lar­ge gras­sy are­as. Here is also clo­se to a popu­lar park playground. Jet­ty / Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Rub­bish bin / Toi­let / Prox­i­mi­ty to cafe/kiosk Skut­ber­get’s bat­hing pla­ce Skut­ber­get is a lar­ge and very popu­lar bat­hing spot on Lake Vänern, with both cliffs and san­dy beaches. Parts of the swim­ming area are acces­sib­le. Skut­ber­get is loca­ted 7 kilo­me­ters west of the cen­ter of Karl­stad. Here the­re are fine cliffs, san­dy beaches and lar­ge gras­sy are­as for sun­bat­hing, games and play. In the area the­re is also a camp­si­te and cabin ren­tals, playgrounds, natu­re trails and exer­ci­se tracks. Among other things, a very nice hiking trail to Kil starts from Skut­ber­get. Part of Skut­ber­get is acces­sib­le with a ramp down to the water, path and bar­becue area. Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es and a sho­wer are avai­lab­le at Skut­ber­get’s exer­ci­se cent­re. Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Rub­bish bin / Toi­let / Clo­se to cafe/kiosk Örs­holms­ba­det Örs­holms­ba­det by Örs­holmstjärn is a child-fri­end­ly swim­ming area with san­dy beaches and lar­ge gras­sy are­as. The bath con­si­sts of two bat­hing are­as, both of which have a san­dy beach. Next to the beaches the­re are lar­ge gras­sy are­as for sun­bat­hing, play­ing and games. Jet­ty / Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Rub­bish bin / Toi­let / Prox­i­mi­ty to cafe/kiosk

Playgrounds beyond the ordinary

Adven­tu­re playground in the Musei­par­ken Marie­berg forest Als­ter Manor 
From 2 000 kr
5 People 
2 Hours 
Our gui­ded mountain bike tour offers an exci­ting and chal­lenging expe­ri­ence for cycling enthusiasts.  Led by our expe­ri­enced gui­des, you will get to explo­re beau­ti­ful and sce­nic are­as on a bike spe­ci­al­ly desig­ned for mountain biking. You’ll get to test your skills on tech­ni­cal trails and climb up and down steep slo­pes whi­le enjoying the beau­ti­ful sur­roundings. All our tours are adap­ted to your level and inclu­de equip­ment and safe­ty equip­ment. So if you’­re loo­king for a memo­rab­le and adre­na­li­ne-fil­led expe­ri­ence, book your pla­ce on our gui­ded mountain bike tour today!   [lea­flet-map !scrollwhe­el fitbounds=0 width=100% height=650px zoom=12 zoomcontrol=1 addresses=“Karlstad” ] [lea­flet-sca­le] [lea­flet-gpx src=“” weight=8 color=orange] {name} [/le­a­flet-gpx] [lea­flet-gpx src=“” weight=8 color=red] {name} [/le­a­flet-gpx]
From 2 350 kr
2 Days 
Accom­mo­da­tion in Sjö­går­den at Döm­le Manor, Entran­ce to our magi­cal SPA, two-cour­se din­ner, and a won­der­ful manor house breakfast. 
From 3 250 kr
4 People 
2 Days 1 Night 
Expe­ri­ence a sce­nic cycling trip along the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan. Choo­se to ride on pre­mi­um electric bikes from Karl­stad or start in Råda after a bus jour­ney, with an over­night stay in a cozy cot­tage and bre­ak­fast inclu­ded. Explo­re the beau­ti­ful lands­cape of open farm­lands and lush forests on this car-free, asphal­ted cycling path. 
From 3 750 kr
2 People 
3 Days 2 Nights 
Expe­ri­ence an unfor­get­tab­le cycling adven­tu­re from Karl­stad to Borg­vik along the Uni­ons­le­den with our pre­mi­um bike pac­kage. Enjoy two nights of lux­u­ri­ous accom­mo­da­tion at Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen, inclu­ding exqui­si­te mul­ti-cour­se din­ners, and custo­mi­ze your adven­tu­re with optio­nal acti­vi­ti­es such as gui­ded tours, padd­ling on Vänern, or hiking. A per­fect mix of natu­re, histo­ry, and gast­ro­nomy awaits. 
From 12 795 kr
6 People 
12 Days 
Embark on an unfor­get­tab­le adven­tu­re with our bicyc­le tour around the stun­ning Lake Vänern in cen­tral Swe­den! As you pedal along the Lake Vänern bike path, you will be tre­a­ted to bre­ath­ta­king views of the lake, pictu­res­que country­si­de, and char­ming Swe­dish vil­la­ges. Our rou­te takes you through diver­se lands­ca­pes, from lush forests to beau­ti­ful beaches, giving you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the best of Swe­dish nature. 
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