From 2 390 kr
2 People 
3 Days 2 Nights 

3 days of bike camping with tent trailer 

Expe­ri­ence Värm­land or Lake Vänern all around from the sadd­le. We have made it easi­er than ever to… 
From 6 950 kr
3 Days 2 Nights 

3 days of cycling, beach and excursions for the family with small children 

Expe­ri­ence a memo­rab­le family vaca­tion with our offer “3 days with bike, beach and excur­sions”. Enjoy nice bike rides along beau­ti­ful roads and visit sce­nic pla­ces toget­her with your todd­lers. End the day with a good swim on one of our beau­ti­ful beaches. Our excur­sions are adap­ted for fami­li­es with small child­ren and gua­ran­tee fun and adven­tu­re for the who­le family. 
From 4 875 kr
3 Days 4 Nights 

Bicycle package with city, sun, art and archipelago 

Expe­ri­ence Karl­stad and Ham­marö and the sur­rounding area from the bicyc­le sadd­le. Disco­ver the beau… 
From 1 300 kr
2.9 Days 

Family package with longtail bike for 2 children 

Our bike pac­kage for 2 adults and up to 4 child­ren is per­fect for fami­li­es who want to expe­ri­ence th… 
From 2 000 kr
5 People 
2 Hours 

Guided MTB tour 

Our gui­ded mountain bike tour offers an exci­ting and chal­lenging expe­ri­ence for cycling enthusiasts.… 
From 3 950 kr
3 Days 2 Nights 

Spa & Relax in a Wonderful Surrounding 

Accom­mo­da­tion in Sjö­går­den at Döm­le Manor, Entran­ce to our magi­cal SPA, two-cour­se din­ner, and a won­der­ful manor house breakfast. 
From 10 500 kr
10 Days 

Discover Sweden’s Majestic Lake: 10-Day Exclusive Cycling Tour Around Vänern 

Embark on an unfor­get­tab­le adven­tu­re with our bicyc­le tour around the stun­ning Lake Vänern in cen­tral Swe­den! As you pedal along the Lake Vänern bike path, you will be tre­a­ted to bre­ath­ta­king views of the lake, pictu­res­que country­si­de, and char­ming Swe­dish vil­la­ges. Our rou­te takes you through diver­se lands­ca­pes, from lush forests to beau­ti­ful beaches, giving you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the best of Swe­dish nature. 
From 2 490 kr
2 Days 1 Night 

Explore Klarälvsbanan — A scenic cycling journey along an old railway 

Expe­ri­ence a sce­nic cycling trip along the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan. Choo­se to ride on pre­mi­um electric bikes from Karl­stad or start in Råda after a bus jour­ney, with an over­night stay in a cozy cot­tage and bre­ak­fast inclu­ded. Explo­re the beau­ti­ful lands­cape of open farm­lands and lush forests on this car-free, asphal­ted cycling path. 
From 6 700 kr
4 Days 3 Nights 

Discover Unionsleden: Borgvik – Karlstad – Kristinehamn by Premium Electric Bike 

Expe­ri­ence an unfor­get­tab­le cycling adven­tu­re from Karl­stad to Borg­vik along the Uni­ons­le­den with our pre­mi­um bike pac­kage. Enjoy two nights of lux­u­ri­ous accom­mo­da­tion at Hotel Kungs­kvar­nen, inclu­ding exqui­si­te mul­ti-cour­se din­ners, and custo­mi­ze your adven­tu­re with optio­nal acti­vi­ti­es such as gui­ded tours, padd­ling on Vänern, or hiking. A per­fect mix of natu­re, histo­ry, and gast­ro­nomy awaits. 
From 8 600 kr
5 Days 

Discover Sweden’s Majestic Lake: 5‑Day Exclusive Cycling Tour Around Half of Vänern 

Embark on an unfor­get­tab­le adven­tu­re with our bicyc­le tour around the stun­ning Lake Vänern in cen­tral Swe­den! As you pedal along the Lake Vänern bike path, you will be tre­a­ted to bre­ath­ta­king views of the lake, pictu­res­que country­si­de, and char­ming Swe­dish vil­la­ges. Our rou­te takes you through diver­se lands­ca­pes, from lush forests to beau­ti­ful beaches, giving you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the best of Swe­dish nature. 
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