Here you will find some selected places that are particularly suitable for families with small children. Take a swim or spend the whole day on the beach. Or discover some playgrounds out of the ordinary.


kutberget’s bathing place

Skut­ber­get is a lar­ge and very popu­lar bat­hing spot on Lake Vänern, with both cliffs and san­dy beaches. Parts of the swim­ming area are acces­sib­le. Skut­ber­get is loca­ted 7 kilo­me­ters west of the cen­ter of Karl­stad. Here the­re are fine cliffs, san­dy beaches and lar­ge gras­sy are­as for sun­bat­hing, games and play. In the area the­re is also a camp­si­te and cabin ren­tals, playgrounds, natu­re trails and exer­ci­se tracks. Among other things, a very nice hiking trail to Kil starts from Skut­ber­get. Part of Skut­ber­get is acces­sib­le with a ramp down to the water, path and bar­becue area. Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es and a sho­wer are avai­lab­le at Skut­ber­get’s exer­ci­se centre.

  • Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Rub­bish bin / Toi­let / Clo­se to cafe/kiosk


Örs­holms­ba­det by Örs­holmstjärn is a child-fri­end­ly swim­ming area with san­dy beaches and lar­ge gras­sy are­as. The bath con­si­sts of two bat­hing are­as, both of which have a san­dy beach. Next to the beaches the­re are lar­ge gras­sy are­as for sun­bat­hing, play­ing and games.

  • Jet­ty / Chan­ging faci­li­ti­es / Bar­becue area / Rub­bish bin / Toi­let / Prox­i­mi­ty to cafe/kiosk

Playgrounds beyond the ordinary

Äventyrlekplats i Museiparken


Alster Herrgård

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