Guided MTB tour


Guided MTB tour

2 Hours
2 000 kr
Från 18 år +

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Our guided mountain bike tour offers an exciting and challenging experience for cycling enthusiasts.


Led by our expe­ri­enced gui­des, you will get to explo­re beau­ti­ful and sce­nic are­as on a bike spe­ci­al­ly desig­ned for mountain biking. You’ll get to test your skills on tech­ni­cal trails and climb up and down steep slo­pes whi­le enjoying the beau­ti­ful sur­roundings. All our tours are adap­ted to your level and inclu­de equip­ment and safe­ty equip­ment. So if you’­re loo­king for a memo­rab­le and adre­na­li­ne-fil­led expe­ri­ence, book your pla­ce on our gui­ded mountain bike tour today!


What's Included

  • Cycle map for mobile
  • Close to nature and forest
  • Close to beach and swimming

What's Excluded

  • Suitable for days with worse weather

Location Map

Got a Question?

  • Velostore är Karlstads nya cykelhandlare. Vi har cyklar av högsta kvalitet till bra pris. Elcyklar, mountainbikes, landsvägscyklar och standardcyklar. Professionell verkstad med service av alla cyklar.
  • 076-191 98 41
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