Explore Klarälvsbanan — A scenic cycling journey along an old railway


Explore Klarälvsbanan — A scenic cycling journey along an old railway

2 Days 1 Night
2 490 kr
From 15 years +

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Embark on a memo­rab­le cycling adven­tu­re along Kla­rälvs­ba­nan, a distin­cti­ve 90-kilo­me­ter long, asphal­ted, and car-free bike path that tra­ces an old rail­way embank­ment from Karl­stad to Udde­holm. This jour­ney pro­vi­des a cap­ti­va­ting explo­ra­tion from open farm­lands in the south to lush, fri­end­ly forests in the north, showca­sing the natu­ral beau­ty of Värm­land in all its glory.

Option 1: From Karl­stad to Råda and Back

Begin your jour­ney with a pre­mi­um electric bike from Karl­stad, whe­re you will gli­de through diver­se lands­ca­pes along the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan. This paved and car-free path takes you through pictu­res­que farm­lands and into the heart of Värm­lan­d’s forests. After a day fil­led with fresh air and stun­ning natu­re, you’ll stay over­night in a cozy cot­tage in Råda, whe­re a nut­ri­tious bre­ak­fast awaits you. The return trip to Karl­stad offers anot­her oppor­tu­ni­ty to soak in the beau­ti­ful sce­ne­ry along the Klarälvsbanan.

Option 2: From Råda to Karlstad

Your adven­tu­re begins with a com­for­tab­le bus jour­ney from Karl­stad to Råda, whe­re your wai­ting electric bikes take you on a refreshing ride back to Karl­stad. This rou­te along the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan offers you the chan­ce to expe­ri­ence the vari­ed natu­re of Värm­land, from soot­hing forest envi­ron­ments to open fields. After a day out­do­ors, enjoy a night in Råda with a delight­ful bre­ak­fast the next mor­ning befo­re star­ting your bike ride back to Karlstad.

The pac­kage includes:

  • - Pre­mi­um electric bikes for a com­for­tab­le and enjoyab­le cycling experience.
  • - One night in a char­ming cot­tage in Råda with breakfast.
  • - A uni­que expe­ri­ence along the vari­ed lands­ca­pes of the Klarälvsbanan.
  • - Two dif­fe­rent tra­vel rou­tes for a custo­mi­zed cycling experience.
  • - Option to start and end in Karl­stad or Råda.

Expe­ri­ence the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan: Whet­her you choo­se to start in Karl­stad or Råda, our cycling pac­kage along the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan offers a uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the natu­ral beau­ty of Värm­land. Book your adven­tu­re today and embark on an unfor­get­tab­le jour­ney through the heart of Swe­den by bike.


Ham­marö – Karl­stad 10 kilometer
Karl­stad – Fors­ha­ga 20 kilometer
Fors­ha­ga – Deje 10 kilometer
Deje – Ran­sä­ter 20 kilo­me­ter
Ran­sä­ter – Munk­fors 10 kilometer

Schedule Details


Gamla Kraftstation i Deje

Älvpromenad i Karlstad

What's Included

  • Cycle map for mobile
  • Electric bikes with long range
  • Walking distance from the train station
  • Close to nature and forest
  • Close to beach and swimming
  • Picknick basket

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