Spa & Relax in a Wonderful Surrounding


Spa & Relax in a Wonderful Surrounding

3 Days 2 Nights
3 950 kr

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Tre­at your­self to an exclu­si­ve stay in the magi­cal manor set­ting at Döm­le Herr­gård Spa & Resort. Here, you’ll find eve­ryt­hing and more. A won­der­ful spa depart­ment, tre­at­ments, cozy rooms, and fan­tastic food and drinks await you.

Expe­ri­ence uni­que accom­mo­da­tion in a set­ting that blurs the line between dream and rea­li­ty. Our spa fea­tu­res both indo­or and out­do­or hot tubs, a sau­na, lounge, relax­a­tion area with uni­que wave chairs, a bar, and a lar­ge ter­ra­ce with com­for­tab­le sea­ting are­as over­loo­king the beach and lake.

This pac­kage includes:

  • - Accom­mo­da­tion 2 nights in Sjö­går­den at Döm­le Herrgård
  • - Entry to Döm­le’s magi­cal spa
  • - A two-cour­se din­ner (star­ter & main cour­se) and a won­der­ful manor breakfast
  • - Com­for­tab­le pre­mi­um electric bicycles
  • - A digi­tal map to Döm­le Herr­gård and sug­ges­tions for excur­sions around Döm­le or Karlstad

Your jour­ney starts from Karl­stad. Bicyc­le dis­tri­bu­tion takes pla­ce in the city cen­ter, 300 meters from the bus or train sta­tion. If you are tra­ve­ling by car, we can direct you to a secu­re par­king area.

Cyc­le along the car-free Kla­rälvs­ba­nan to Döm­le Herr­gård. This stretch can easily be cycled in 2 hours. Check in at Döm­le Herr­gård and enjoy the spa and all the ame­ni­ti­es. Stay over­night at Döm­le Herr­gård and cyc­le back towards Karl­stad the following day. Or stay an extra day and explo­re the area by bike, such as the Old Power Sta­tion in Deje.

Schedule Details

Discover the art in Karlstad

Sola (the sun) in Karlstad

Eva Lisa Holtz worked at the Inn in Karlstad as an inn girl. Eva Lisa was a beautiful and cheerful girl who was very popular with the inn guests. Thanks to her sunny and radiant demeanor, she earned the nickname Sola. She was also a resourceful and economical woman, who eventually bought and ran her own inn. The statue "Sola i Kallsta" was made by Herman Reijers and was placed in 1985. It has become an important symbol and a face for Karlstad.

Värmland Museum

Värmland Museum is one of Sweden's most visited county museums. Exhibitions, library, museum shop, café, and the restaurant Matbruket are open and adapted for safe visits. Here, you can experience the permanent exhibition Värmlandsliv and the art base exhibition Insight and Outlook - Dialogues with the Art Collection.

Gallery Bergman

Mats Bergman has had exhibition spaces in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Malmö, and Karlstad, and participated in a large number of art fairs in Sweden and abroad. Today, the gallery is located at Herrhagsgatan 48 in Karlstad and Norrtullsgatan 53 in Stockholm. Gallery Bergman showcases prints, paintings, and sculptures - predominantly by Nordic artists. The gallery offers the best of Nordic art flora, with a diversity of carefully selected artists from different genres and generations.

Art in Karlstad (KIKA)

Gallery Art in Karlstad is run voluntarily by an association that organizes exhibitions with local, national, and international artists. The association's ambition is to show contemporary art of high artistic quality, with a great variation in both form and content, preferably by professional artists. The gallery's goal is also to maintain an even gender distribution among exhibiting artists. A working group in the association finally decides which exhibitions are organized. Every year in December, an art lottery is arranged for the association's members.

Craftsmen Karlstad

The cooperative Craftsmen was formed in 1987 and has been in our fantastic premises at Södra Kyrkogatan 6 since the spring of 1988. In the shop, no two items are alike! Our creations bear traces of handwork, which gives life, soul, and personality to each individual item. We work with natural materials and recycling. Everything is made in Sweden and comes to the store without intermediaries and long transport. In our gallery, 10 exhibitions are presented annually by members and guest craftsmen. As a customer, you can be sure to buy a quality piece where our professional knowledge guarantees you craftsmanship at its very best!

Sandgrund Lars Lerin

You might be familiar with the artist Lars Lerin, considered one of the leading watercolorists in the Nordics and who is born and resides in Värmland. Lars Lerin has exhibited in galleries and museums in a dozen countries and appeared in several TV shows, including Vänligen Lars Lerin, Lerins lärlingar, and Lerins sommarö, shown on SVT this winter. At the art hall Sandgrund Lars Lerin, you can enjoy both Lars Lerin's and guest exhibitors' art in an open and bright space. The art hall also has a café with a view of the Klarälven and a shop where you can buy unique posters, postcards, and the like.

Discover the Old Power station

A Spectacular Industrial Building from the Early 1900s, Now a Cultural Meeting Place for Art and Music, or Just a Coffee Break in a Unique Environment.

Adjacent to the roaring Dejeforsen in the Klarälven River stands the Old Power Station, dating from the early 1900s. This industrially romantic building is today a fascinating cultural venue, featuring 11-meter-high ceilings and much of its original interior intact. The unique art hall is at its heart, showcasing a plethora of contemporary art. Visitors experience exhibitions with both breadth and depth, in various techniques and expressions, by both established artists and emerging talents.

At the ecological Culinarum Café, flavors of Värmland are baked and cooked according to the season, following the concept of rustic with finesse. During summer, you can enjoy food, wine, coffee, and ice cream in the lush garden overlooking the magnificent Klarälven River.

Regularly, music events are organized through The Gamla Kraftstationen Music Club initiative. For those who want to create in a creative environment, there's the Makerstation, where leader-led workshops and courses are occasionally offered. In the small shop, you can always buy your own Make your own-kit and create on your own — either on-site or to take home. The shop also offers fine products like teas, honey, jams, chocolates, books, crafts, and more.

What's Included

  • Cycle map for mobile
  • Electric bikes with long range
  • Close to nature and forest

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