Bicycle package with city, sun, art and archipelago


Bicycle package with city, sun, art and archipelago

3 Days 4 Nights
4 875 kr

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Experience Karlstad and Hammarö and the surrounding area from the bicycle saddle.

Disco­ver the beau­ti­ful archi­pe­la­go lands­ca­pes by Swe­den’s lar­gest lake, feel the pul­se of the sum­mer city, and enjoy uni­que Värm­land attrac­tions during three delight­ful days. You’ll stay com­for­tably and stra­te­gi­cal­ly clo­se to a network of cycling trails and bike pat­hs in cen­tral Karl­stad. Choo­se your daily rou­tes based on your inte­rests and fre­ely mix themes—nature and cul­tu­re, a city bre­ak with urban vibes, and tranquil archi­pe­la­go settings.

Karl­stad is Värm­lan­d’s lar­gest city, known for its many hours of suns­hi­ne and ever-pre­sent water­ways. Dub­bed the “Sun City,” it is built on the del­ta of the Kla­räl­ven River’s nume­rous bran­ches. Its sout­hern city cen­ter bor­ders both the Vänern coast and the island of Hammarö—a pictu­res­que encla­ve stretching into the nort­hern parts of this inland sea. Cycling acces­si­bi­li­ty is excep­tio­nal, with an exten­si­ve network of traf­fic-free bike pat­hs. Karl­stad is also a hub for two natio­nal cycling routes—Unionsleden, from Moss in Nor­way, and Väner­le­den, which cir­cles Lake Vänern—as well as the uni­que Kla­rälvs­ba­nan trail, offe­ring 100 km of car-free cycling through Värm­lan­d’s countryside.

Our uni­que cycling pac­kage offers gre­at flex­i­bi­li­ty whi­le remai­ning well-orga­ni­zed: lun­ches are inclu­ded no mat­ter whe­re you choo­se to cyc­le, along with admis­sion tic­kets to select attrac­tions and oppor­tu­ni­ti­es to enjoy refreshments.

Pur­cha­se the pac­kage and explo­re the recom­men­ded daily iti­ne­ra­ri­es. The pac­kage inclu­des pre­mi­um electric bikes, with an optio­nal upg­ra­de to a car­go bike for car­ry­ing extra gear, bringing your dog, or even gril­ling on the go.

All daily rou­tes are avai­lab­le as GPX files.


Schedule Details

Strandturen and Union and Vänerleden. (2x7km)

In favorable weather, this is an extremely popular cycle tour with many possibilities. Either many hours of hanging out on the beach or maybe a small detour with a visit to a farm shop - or why not spend a few hours at the large Bergvik shopping center if the clouds cloud the swimming plans? From the hotel you hop on the Union/Vänerleden and cycle in a westerly direction towards lovely Bomstabaden, Vänern's own riviera. To get out to Bomstad, you make a detour from the trail. Sun loungers, full rights, a good lunch and a lovely sandy beach await you here. You stay as long as you can and eat lunch at the beachside restaurant. If you have a lot of cycling in your legs, you can jump on the trail again and cycle to cozy Lijenäs Gård to enjoy coffee and an ice cream waffle. If you prefer rock swimming, Skutberget is adjacent to Bomstadbaden.

The island tour – Hammarö in Vänern (round trip of 26 km)

Hammarö is an archipelago idyll connected to the mainland via the small bridge at "Grandfather's vein". From the central parts of Karlstad, there are several alternatives, such as traffic-free paths or cycling on "village roads" with well-maintained roads for cyclists. The road along the river, past the golf course and on to Lillängshamnen, is a pleasant trip. Lunch at Lillängshamnen's Fiskrökeri is characterized by what Sweden's largest lake has to offer, including a lovely harbor environment. On Hammarö there are shorter hiking trails to rest areas with lovely views of the "inland sea" and the possibility of swimming. For those interested in art, there is also the Hammarö Art Gallery and the cycling back towards Karlstad goes on a cycle path past the large bird-rich nature conservation areas on Karlstad's west side - take the opportunity to take a walk. Here you cycle all the way to the charming little Button Town Café by the river in Knappstadskogen. The café can only be reached by bicycle or on foot and, in addition to coffee, also has full rights. For those who prefer to take the bike with them on one of our boat buses that ply the river, this is fine. There is a stop outside Button Town Café.

Art and Culture – Option One (6 km round trip)

Karlstad has a rich range of art and culture, and if you want to make it a pleasant bike ride, you start by rolling towards central Karlstad with a visit to the well-known Sandgrund Lars Lerin museum. The Värmland artist and TV profile has an incredibly appreciated art exhibition that is housed in the old well-known dance palace Sandgrund and has become Karlstad's most visited destination.
Next to the Lerinmuseét, in the beautiful sandy park, is also the Värmlands Museum, one of Sweden's most well-visited county museums. There are always current exhibitions and experimental areas that appeal to the younger generation.

You have coffee at the museum and then it's time to cycle on towards Fröding's memorial farm and birthplace - Alster's Manor. During high season there are daily tours of Fröding. Enjoy lunch in the manor park and take a short hike in the Alsterån valley before cycling back to the city.

Alternative: Art and Culture – alternative two (68 km round trip)

The Klarälvsbanan is a unique cycle path in that it is car-free all the way from Hammarö to Uddeholm, i.e. for 100 km. The Klarälvsbanan is built on a railway bank and is therefore easy to cycle as it is not so hilly. From Karlstad, you can cycle north through the varied landscape with the final destination in Deje, a distance of 28 km. Here is the Old Power Station in Deje, the winner of the Värmland Tourism Award 2021 and a real experience for those interested in art. Rustic environments are mixed with art of all kinds, and in recent years the Old Power Station has attracted many reputable artists to exhibit. In 2021, they won the Värmland Tourism Award and were nominated for the Great Tourism Award in Sweden. Start with lunch, then enjoy walking around in peace and quiet, and end with a good coffee before cycling back to Karlstad.

What's Included

  • Close to beach and swimming
  • Close to nature and forest
  • Close to shopping and restaurants
  • Cycle map for mobile
  • Electric bikes with long range
  • Hotel
  • Suitable for days with worse weather
  • Walking distance from the train station

What's Excluded

  • Picknick basket

Location Map

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  • Varmland by bike är ett projekt som drivs av Bulten Bike. Specialist för premiumcyklar. Vi hyr ut och driver webbsidan där du kan hitta information om cykelleder, cykelturer och besöksmål som är enkelt att nå med cykel.
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