In the cultural city of Karlstad, you can experience one of the Nordic region’s foremost watercolorists at the Sandgrund Lars Lerin art gallery or explore the Värmlands Museum’s current exhibitions. You can also explore Karlstad’s excellent art galleries.

Sola i Karlstad

Eva Lisa Holtz worked at the Inn in Karl­stad as an inn­kee­per. Eva Lisa was a beau­ti­ful and hap­py girl whom the inn guests liked very much. Thanks to her sun­ny and radi­ant mood, she ear­ned the nick­na­me Sola. She was also an enter­pri­sing and eco­no­mi­cal woman, who even­tu­al­ly bought and ran her own inn. The sta­tue “Sola i Kalls­ta” was made by Her­man Rei­jers and came into pla­ce in 1985. It has become an impor­tant sym­bol and a pub­lic face for Karlstad.

Värmlands Museum

Värm­lands Muse­um is one of Swe­den’s most visi­ted county museums. Exhi­bi­tions, lib­ra­ry, muse­um shop, café and restau­rant The food facto­ry is open and has been adap­ted for safe visits. Here you can expe­ri­ence the per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion Värm­lands­liv and the art base exhi­bi­tion Insight and out­look – dia­lo­gues with the art collection.

Galleri Bergman

Gal­le­ri Mats Berg­man has had exhi­bi­tion spa­ces in Stock­holm, Gothen­burg, Helsing­borg, Mal­mö and Karl­stad as well as par­ti­ci­pa­ted in a lar­ge num­ber of art fairs in Swe­den and abro­ad. Today, the gal­le­ry is loca­ted at Herr­hags­ga­tan 48 in Karl­stad and Norr­tulls­ga­tan 53 in Stock­holm. Gal­le­ri Berg­man shows grap­hics, pain­tings and sculp­tu­res — pre­fe­rably by Nor­dic artists. The gal­le­ry offers the best of the Nor­dic art flo­ra, with a diver­si­ty of care­ful­ly selec­ted artists from dif­fe­rent gen­res and generations.

Konst i Karlstad (KIKA)

Gal­le­ri Konst in Karl­stad is run on a non-pro­fit basis by an asso­ci­a­tion that orga­ni­zes exhi­bi­tions with local, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal artists. The asso­ci­a­tion’s ambi­tion is to show con­tem­po­ra­ry art of high artistic qua­li­ty, with gre­at vari­e­ty in both form and con­tent by pre­fe­rably pro­fes­sio­nal artists. The gal­le­ry’s goal is also to main­tain an even gen­der dis­tri­bu­tion between exhi­bi­ting artists. A wor­king group in the asso­ci­a­tion final­ly deci­des which exhi­bi­tions are arrang­ed. Eve­ry year in Decem­ber, an art lot­te­ry is orga­ni­zed for the asso­ci­a­tion’s members.

Konsthantverkarna Karlstad

The Konst­hant­ver­kar­na coo­pe­ra­ti­ve was foun­ded in 1987 and we have been in our fan­tastic pre­mi­ses at Söd­ra Kyr­ko­ga­tan 6 sin­ce the spring of 1988. Not­hing in the sto­re is the same! Our cre­a­tions have tra­ces of the work of the hand and that is what gives life, soul and per­so­na­li­ty to each indi­vi­du­al object. We work with natu­ral mate­ri­als and recycling. Eve­ryt­hing is Swe­dish-made and comes to the sto­re wit­hout inter­me­di­a­ri­es and long trans­ports. In our gal­le­ry, 10 exhi­bi­tions are pre­sen­ted annu­al­ly by mem­bers and visi­ting arti­sans. As a custo­mer, you can feel con­fi­dent in buy­ing a qua­li­ty pro­duct whe­re our pro­fes­sio­nal know­led­ge gua­ran­te­es you crafts­mans­hip at its very best!

Sandgrund Lars Lerin

You pro­bably know the artist Lars Lerin, who is con­si­de­red one of the Nor­dic regi­on’s fore­most water­co­lo­rists and who was born and lives in Värm­land. Lars Lerin has exhi­bi­ted at gal­le­ri­es and museums in about ten countri­es and has appe­a­red in seve­ral tele­vi­sion pro­grams, inclu­ding Sili­get Lars Lerin, Lerin’s appren­ti­ces and Lerin’s sum­mer island, which will be shown on SVT this winter.

At the Sand­grund Lars Lerin art gal­le­ry, you can take part in the art of both Lars Lerin and guest exhi­bi­tors in an open and bright room. In the art gal­le­ry the­re is also a café with a view of the Kla­räl­ven and a shop whe­re you can buy uni­que pos­ters, post­cards and the like.

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