

During Arts­cape 2017-Värm­land or Arts­cape 2017 White Moo­se Pro­ject as it is also cal­led, ten muni­ci­pa­li­ti­es par­ti­ci­pa­ted, which resul­ted in a total of 25 works of art, seven of which are in Karl­stad. Both inter­na­tio­nal and Swe­dish artists are invol­ved behind the paintings.


Art & galleries in Karlstad

In the cul­tural city of Karl­stad, you can expe­ri­ence one of the Nor­dic regi­on’s fore­most water­co­lo­rists at the Sand­grund Lars Lerin art gal­le­ry or explo­re the Värm­lands Museum’s cur­rent exhi­bi­tions. You can also explo­re Karl­sta­d’s excel­lent art galleries.