
Skut­ber­get is loca­ted 7 kilo­me­ters west of Karl­stad cen­ter and offers both recre­a­tion and acti­vi­ti­es for all ages and inte­rests. The­re are swim­ming and playgrounds, natu­re trails and exer­ci­se tracks in both sum­mer and win­ter. The­re is also a camp­si­te in the area that also offers cabin rentals.

Bath and feel good at Skutberget
The swim­ming area is very popu­lar and well visi­ted. Here the­re are fine cliffs, san­dy beaches and adja­cent lar­ge gras­sy are­as for sun­bat­hing, games and play. The lar­ge beach, which is direct­ly below the lar­ge main car park, is shal­low and sui­tab­le for smal­ler child­ren. Part of Skut­ber­get is also acces­sib­le with a ramp down to the water.

Take the chan­ce to com­bi­ne uti­li­ty with pleasure
Here the­re are seve­ral nice exer­ci­se tracks of vary­ing lengt­hs so that eve­ry­o­ne can find a sui­tab­le chal­lenge. They are beau­ti­ful­ly drawn through parts of the forest and some­ti­mes with a view of Lake Vänern. The electric light trails are 800 meters, 3.5 kilo­me­ters and 5 kilo­me­ters long, and the lights go out the­re at 10 p.m. In addi­tion, the­re are exer­ci­se tracks of 7.5 and 10 km as well as a slight­ly toug­her trai­ning track of 10 km for tho­se who want to chal­lenge them­sel­ves a litt­le extra. In the cen­ter of Skut­ber­get the­re is a fit­ness cen­ter with the pos­si­bi­li­ty to change and sho­wer and it is free of char­ge and open to everyone.

Disc golf in a beau­ti­ful landscape
The­re is also the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play disc golf on one of Swe­den’s 4‑star disc golf cour­ses with eighteen holes spre­ad over the area. It costs not­hing and does not need to be booked. At the near­by First Camp Skut­ber­get camp­si­te, you can also buy or rent discs if you don’t have your own.

Mountain biking in Skut­ber­get’s forests
If you are keen to expe­ri­ence natu­re on two whe­els, the­re is a mountain bike track at the Skut­ber­get out­do­or area. The cour­se is approx. 8.5 km long in vary­ing ter­rain and the degree of dif­ficul­ty is approx­i­ma­tely at the medium level. The star­ting point is near the lar­ge car park at the entran­ce to the campsite.

Adven­tu­re golf for everyone
If you want to play mini golf, the­re is an EU-class adven­tu­re cour­se with 18 holes that was built in 2016. The uni­que cour­ses that are fun for both young and old golf ent­husi­asts can be found at the First Camp Karl­stad campsite.

Put on your hiking boots
If you fan­cy a slight­ly long­er hiking trip, you can start at Skut­ber­get and set your direc­tion towards Kil. The trail is 22 kilo­me­ters long and stret­ches via the natu­re reser­ves Sör­mon and Höge­mon on to the Kilsra­vi­ner­na and then Kils soci­e­ty. The three natu­re reser­ves are of dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters and offer an exci­ting experience.

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