

Skut­ber­get is loca­ted 7 kilo­me­ters west of Karl­stad cen­ter and offers both recre­a­tion and acti­vi­ti­es for all ages and inte­rests. The­re are swim­ming and playgrounds, natu­re trails and exer­ci­se tracks in both sum­mer and win­ter. The­re is also a camp­si­te in the area that also offers cabin rentals.

Bath and feel good at Skutberget
The swim­ming area is very popu­lar and well visi­ted. Here the­re are fine cliffs, san­dy beaches and adja­cent lar­ge gras­sy are­as for sun­bat­hing, games and play. The lar­ge beach, which is direct­ly below the lar­ge main car park, is shal­low and sui­tab­le for smal­ler child­ren. Part of Skut­ber­get is also acces­sib­le with a ramp down to the water.

Take the chan­ce to com­bi­ne uti­li­ty with pleasure
Here the­re are seve­ral nice exer­ci­se tracks of vary­ing lengt­hs so that eve­ry­o­ne can find a sui­tab­le chal­lenge. They are beau­ti­ful­ly drawn through parts of the forest and some­ti­mes with a view of Lake Vänern. The electric light trails are 800 meters, 3.5 kilo­me­ters and 5 kilo­me­ters long, and the lights go out the­re at 10 p.m. In addi­tion, the­re are exer­ci­se tracks of 7.5 and 10 km as well as a slight­ly toug­her trai­ning track of 10 km for tho­se who want to chal­lenge them­sel­ves a litt­le extra. In the cen­ter of Skut­ber­get the­re is a fit­ness cen­ter with the pos­si­bi­li­ty to change and sho­wer and it is free of char­ge and open to everyone.

Disc golf in a beau­ti­ful landscape
The­re is also the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play disc golf on one of Swe­den’s 4‑star disc golf cour­ses with eighteen holes spre­ad over the area. It costs not­hing and does not need to be booked. At the near­by First Camp Skut­ber­get camp­si­te, you can also buy or rent discs if you don’t have your own.

Mountain biking in Skut­ber­get’s forests
If you are keen to expe­ri­ence natu­re on two whe­els, the­re is a mountain bike track at the Skut­ber­get out­do­or area. The cour­se is approx. 8.5 km long in vary­ing ter­rain and the degree of dif­ficul­ty is approx­i­ma­tely at the medium level. The star­ting point is near the lar­ge car park at the entran­ce to the campsite.

Adven­tu­re golf for everyone
If you want to play mini golf, the­re is an EU-class adven­tu­re cour­se with 18 holes that was built in 2016. The uni­que cour­ses that are fun for both young and old golf ent­husi­asts can be found at the First Camp Karl­stad campsite.

Put on your hiking boots
If you fan­cy a slight­ly long­er hiking trip, you can start at Skut­ber­get and set your direc­tion towards Kil. The trail is 22 kilo­me­ters long and stret­ches via the natu­re reser­ves Sör­mon and Höge­mon on to the Kilsra­vi­ner­na and then Kils soci­e­ty. The three natu­re reser­ves are of dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters and offer an exci­ting experience.


Mariebergskogen & Naturum

A city park forever

Marie­bergs­sko­gen has an inte­re­s­ting histo­ry. When Dr. Con­rad Höök pas­sed away in 1896, his sis­ter Ebba Tref­fen­berg was the only heir. Ebba found in the bequests a note that Con­rad wan­ted Marie­bergs­sko­gen to be dona­ted to the city in exchange for a gua­ran­tee for its futu­re stock and care. The sis­ter wro­te a let­ter of gift to the city of Karl­stad so that the forest could be saved for futu­re gene­ra­tions. The ope­ning took pla­ce with pomp and cir­cumstan­ce in 1925, whe­re the idea was to cre­a­te an open-air muse­um with cul­tural buil­dings and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to celeb­ra­te vari­ous holi­days. Even­tu­al­ly, a dan­ce flo­or and an open-air thea­ter were built, which beca­me very popu­lar. Each time lea­ves its mark on Marie­bergs­sko­gen — Karl­sta­d’s city park, now and forever.

The Open Air Museum

During indust­ri­a­lism, old tra­di­tions had to give way to new values ​​and ways of thin­king. In order to pre­ser­ve the cul­tural buil­dings, Wil­helm Welin, Värm­lan­d’s Antiqui­ti­es and Muse­um Asso­ci­a­tion, sug­ges­ted that a Värm­land Skan­sen should be cre­a­ted and in 1925 the open-air muse­um was inau­gu­ra­ted. The­re are now vari­ous cul­tural buil­dings here — from farms and cot­ta­ges to cha­pels and sheds. The wind­mill, the weat­her saw and the grist­mill feel more cur­rent than ever and pro­vi­de an inte­re­s­ting ang­le with a histo­ri­cal per­specti­ve on rene­wab­le ener­gy. Marie­bergs­sko­gen is fil­led with pla­ces that show and tell about what it was like in the past. On a trip with the Con­rad Höök train you will find out more, or read the signs on the buil­dings during your own walk and feel the wings of history.

The animal park Lillskogen

Swe­dish land breeds of all kinds live in the zoo. Cows, poni­es, pigs, goats, sheep, rab­bits and ducks await your visit. The hens run free and splash in the gra­vel on the stab­le hill. And in the spring you have the chan­ce to see the new­born baby ani­mals. Lill­sko­gen is open eve­ry day, all year round.

Naturum Värmland

Curi­ous about natu­re? Take a look into the natu­re cen­ter loca­ted in the midd­le of the Kla­rälvs del­ta with water and forest right insi­de the knot. Here you can hear the myste­ri­ous sounds of fish, feel bear fur and learn about our most com­mon birds. Or watch a film about the ani­mals in the Värm­land forests. We arrange natu­re walks and lectu­res and always have vari­ous tem­po­ra­ry exhi­bi­tions going on. Natu­rum Värm­land is open eve­ry day, all year round.

The forest

The forest in Marie­bergs­sko­gen is somet­hing out of the ordi­na­ry and it changes cha­rac­ter depen­ding on the weat­her, sea­son and time of day. We hear the song of the black tit in the spring gree­ne­ry and see the squir­rels play­ing among the mighty pines in the sum­mer. Autumn offers the autumn colors of blue­ber­ry rice and in win­ter we enjoy the hoar frost on win­ter tre­es. The area has high natu­ral values ​​and is cared for in a way that focu­ses on bio­di­ver­si­ty. The­re are a lot of dead tre­es that are allo­wed to remain as vital habi­tat for many small insects and birds. In order to spa­re the sen­si­ti­ve forest land, it is good to stay on alre­a­dy trod­den pat­hs when hiking. From the forest, you can walk furt­her out across the open coas­tal meadows.

The beach meadows

Marie­ber­g’s beach mea­dows offer expan­si­ve views. Gra­zing cows cre­a­te habi­tat for tuf­ted whip and mea­dowlark. In sum­mer, we see the osprey diving and among all the sha­des of green of the mea­dow, you can see stand-lysing and torch flo­wers. Fog and frost in the reeds offer beau­ti­ful motifs at the col­der time of the year. Around the beach mea­dows runs a three-kilo­me­ter hiking trail that offers adven­tu­re over logs and sto­nes. The­re you can see bea­ver tracks. You can also choo­se to walk just under a kilo­me­ter on Lil­la run­da, which is paved and whe­re the­re are a few ben­ches for a momen­t’s rest. You can get to the bird tower’s first flo­or with a whe­el­chair and pram.


A cul­tural-histo­ri­cal envi­ron­ment is cre­a­ted around Marie­ber­g’s manor with kit­chen and orna­men­tal plants we found in price lists, plant and seed cata­logs from Karl­stad around 1920–1935. At Spik­går­den, the 19th-cen­tu­ry cot­tage from Nor­ra Finn­sko­ga, we are today showing roses that have existed for a long time in Värm­land and Dalar­na toget­her with app­le vari­e­ti­es and peren­ni­als. In the Lek-träd­går­den, the sen­ses are tick­led on the the­me of music, lite­ra­tu­re and art with exci­ting play in beau­ti­ful green rooms. In the play forest the­re is Hybe­le­jen’s mill among tre­es and green small hills. In the midd­le ripples the fountain whe­re an ice rink is washed in win­ter. In the Child­ren’s kit­chen gar­den, you can see cul­tural­ly inte­re­s­ting kit­chen plants from Karl­stad, such as the pea “Nis­se på Tom­ta”. Feel free to come and look at the plan­ta­tions and let your­self be inspi­red. Check back often, and you’ll see it grow and thrive.

A pleasant park

Marie­bergs­sko­gen is loca­ted just over a kilo­me­ter from the cen­ter, by one of Karl­sta­d’s many Väner­viks. It is a full 78 hecta­res and the natu­re trail around the beach mea­dows is approx­i­ma­tely 3 km.
In order for Marie­bergs­sko­gen to be a plea­sant park for eve­ry­o­ne, the­re are some simp­le and impor­tant rules of thumb.


Alster Herrgård

Alsters herrgård — Gustaf Frödings minnesgård

Gustaf Frö­dings min­nes­gård i natur­skön mil­jö med utsikt över Vänern, 8 km öster om Karlstad.

Als­ters herr­gård, Gustaf Frö­dings min­nes­gård, är en 1700-tals­herr­gård i vac­ker naturmil­jö med utsikt över Vänern och är mest känd som dik­ta­ren Gustaf Frö­dings födel­se­hem. Den kän­de och folk­kä­re skal­den föd­des här 1860. Här finns café och restau­rang, i flyg­lar­na finns buti­ker, gal­le­ri och utställ­ning­ar. På huvud­bygg­na­dens över­vå­ning finns en utställ­ning om Gustaf Frö­ding som kan upp­le­vas om man föl­jer med på en av de all­män­na vis­ning­ar­na som dag­li­gen erbjuds. I den vack­ra ute­mil­jön runt herr­går­den och herr­gårds­par­ken finns natursti­gar och vand­rings­le­der i vari­e­ran­de längd.

Als­ters herr­gårds­café pro­fi­le­ras av svensk hus­mans­kost och hem­ba­kat kaf­fe­bröd och erbju­der dag­li­gen både kaf­fe och lunch under sommarsäsongen.

Väst­ra fly­geln är ett slöj­dens hus där det på ned­re plan finns en hög­kva­li­ta­tiv slöjd- och hant­verks­bu­tik med noga utval­da slöj­da­re. På övre plan finns för­e­ning­en Läns­hem­slöj­den i Värm­land som visar utställ­ning­ar och har kursverksamhet.

I Öst­ra fly­geln hit­tar du en herr­gårds­bu­tik med fram­förallt Frö­ding­lit­te­ra­tur men ock­så sou­ve­ni­rer, mat och hant­verk. I fly­geln finns ock­så ett konst­gal­le­ri som pre­sen­te­rar oli­ka utställningar.

Under som­ma­ren arran­ge­ras oli­ka pro­gram som musik, dans, tea­ter, före­drag och lyrik­upp­läs­ning. Mest upp­skat­ta­de är höst- och jul­mark­nad med värm­länds­ka pro­duk­ter inom slöjd och livsmedel.