Gustaf Frö­ding­’s memo­ri­al farm in a sce­nic set­ting with a view of Lake Vänern, 8 km east of Karlstad.

Als­ter’s manor house, Gustaf Frö­ding­’s memo­ri­al house, is an 18th-cen­tu­ry manor house in a beau­ti­ful natu­ral set­ting with a view of Vänern and is best known as the birt­h­pla­ce of the poet Gustaf Frö­ding. The well-known and popu­lar poet was born here in 1860. The­re is a café and restau­rant here, and the wings have shops, a gal­le­ry and exhi­bi­tions. On the upper flo­or of the main buil­ding, the­re is an exhi­bi­tion about Gustaf Frö­ding, which can be expe­ri­enced if you join one of the pub­lic viewings that are offe­red daily. In the beau­ti­ful out­do­or envi­ron­ment around the manor and the manor park, the­re are natu­re trails and hiking trails of vary­ing lengths.

Als­ter’s manor café is pro­fi­led by Swe­dish home coo­king and home-baked cof­fee bre­ad and offers both cof­fee and lunch daily during the sum­mer season.

The wes­tern wing is a house of han­dicrafts, whe­re on the lower level the­re is a high-qua­li­ty han­dicraft shop with care­ful­ly selec­ted crafts­men. On the upper level is the asso­ci­a­tion Läns­hem­slöj­den in Värm­land, which shows exhi­bi­tions and runs courses.

In the East wing you will find a manor shop with main­ly Frö­ding lite­ra­tu­re but also sou­ve­nirs, food and han­dicrafts. In the wing the­re is also an art gal­le­ry that pre­sents vari­ous exhibitions.

During the sum­mer, vari­ous pro­grams are arrang­ed such as music, dan­ce, theat­re, lectu­res and poetry rea­dings. Most appre­ci­a­ted are the autumn and Christ­mas mar­kets with Värm­land pro­ducts in crafts and food.

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