Cargo bike

From 500 kr - 650 krper day

Day based pricing : BB: RM Load 75
1 - 3 days : 650 kr / Day
4 - 7 days : 550 kr / Day
8 - 14 days : 500 kr / Day
Pick up date
Drop off date


Our electric-assisted car­go bike is the per­fect cho­ice for family cycling trips and sight­see­ing. With the electric-assisted motor, you can easily climb steep slo­pes and long­er distan­ces with mini­mal effort. The car­go bike has a robust con­struc­tion and is equip­ped with a practi­cal bas­ket to car­ry all the essen­ti­als and an extra child seat to bring your litt­le ones. It is also equip­ped with an LCD screen that shows bat­te­ry sta­tus and speed. Our electric-assisted car­go bike is the per­fect cho­ice to make sight­see­ing with the family com­for­tab­le and easy.

Bulten Bike har försäljning och service av lastcyklar, vikcyklar, specialcyklar, cykeltrailer och cykelsläp. Vi erbjuder även utbildning och konsulttjänster inom hållbara cykeltransportlösningar.