Varmlands_museum1_ Erik_Martensson

Värmlands Museum

The muse­um is housed in two buil­dings whe­re the oldest was built in 1929, desig­ned by Cyr­il­lus Johans­son. The newer muse­um buil­ding was com­ple­ted in 1998 and is con­nec­ted to the old one by a gla­zed pas­sage. The archi­tect behind the new red hep­ta­go­nal buil­ding is Carl Nyrén. Sand­grundsud­den is also a fan­tastic excur­sion des­ti­na­tion in itself with the muse­um park’s lar­ge green are­as, a lovely playground, the City Lib­ra­ry and two museums wit­hin wal­king distance.

New ope­ning at Värm­lands Museum
On June 1, 2019, Värm­lands Muse­um reo­pened after an exten­si­ve reno­va­tion. The museum’s visi­tors can now enjoy com­ple­tely new exhi­bi­tions, cre­a­ti­ve works­hop, child­ren’s exhi­bi­tion, futu­re lab, shop, audi­to­ri­um, restau­rant and café.

10,000 years of Värm­land history
Värm­lands­liv is an exhi­bi­tion about people’s lives in the lands­cape over 10,000 years. Star­ting from today’s Värm­land, we move through histo­ry. We tell about peop­le who lived in dif­fe­rent times and with dif­fe­rent con­di­tions. The exhi­bi­tion shows objects, pho­to­grap­hs and works of art from the Värm­lands Museum’s col­lec­tion. Many of them have never been shown befo­re. The­re are swords from the Midd­le Ages, Sto­ne Age axes, exqui­si­te crafts­mans­hip from the 18th cen­tu­ry and much, much more.

Let the child­ren fan­ta­si­ze fre­ely in the new play exhibition
In the new play­room you can meet Ing­er and Las­se Sand­ber­g’s many figu­res and sto­ri­es. Bake a cake with Litt­le Anna, watch as Pow­der fix­es fish, visit Gomor­ron­sol Cast­le with Laban the Ghost and peek into Long Uncle’s hat. Both child­ren and adults also have a pla­ce in Tum­mens’ cozy rea­ding corner.

Dining expe­ri­ences and gift shop
As food is also part of the cul­tu­re, the restau­rant Mat­bru­ket is loca­ted in the newly built restau­rant sec­tion when you feel like somet­hing to eat. The­re you can easily indul­ge in eve­ryt­hing from a smooth cup of cof­fee to an exci­ting feast. In the very popu­lar muse­um shop you will find, among other things, Värm­land han­dicrafts, books, fun gad­gets and lots of fun for the children.