Gamla Kraftstation i Deje

Spectacu­lar indust­ri­al buil­ding from the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry which is now a cul­tural mee­ting pla­ce for art and music or just a cof­fee bre­ak in a dif­fe­rent environment.

Next to the roa­ring Deje­for­sen in Kla­räl­ven is the Old Power Sta­tion from the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. The indust­ri­al roman­tic buil­ding is today a fasci­na­ting cul­tural are­na with 11 meter high ceilings and much of the ori­gi­nal inte­ri­or remai­ning. The uni­que art gal­le­ry is in the cen­ter and here a lot of cur­rent con­tem­po­ra­ry art is dis­play­ed. You expe­ri­ence exhi­bi­tions with both bre­ad­th and depth in vari­ous tech­ni­ques and expres­sions of both established artists and new talents.

In the orga­nic Culi­na­rum Café, Värm­land fla­vors are ser­ved, baked and pre­pa­red accor­ding to the sea­son and based on the con­cept of rustic with fines­se. During the sum­mer you can enjoy food, wine, cof­fee and ice cream in the lush gar­den that over­looks the mag­ni­fi­cent Klarälven.

At regu­lar inter­vals, musi­cal events are orga­ni­zed through the ven­tu­re The Gam­la Kraft­sta­tio­nen Music Club. For tho­se who want to cre­a­te in a cre­a­ti­ve envi­ron­ment, the­re is the Makersta­tion whe­re, from time to time, lea­der-led works­hops and cour­ses are offe­red. In the small shop, you can always buy your own Make your own kit and cre­a­te on your own — here on site or to take home. The shop also offers fine pro­ducts such as teas, honey, jam, choco­la­te, books, arts and crafts, etc.

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