General Terms and Conditions:

  • Can­cel­la­tion Poli­cy: Can­cel­la­tion of the ren­tal peri­od is pos­sib­le up to 48 hours befo­re the start of the ren­tal wit­hout any extra cost. Can­cel­la­tions made later than 48 hours befo­re the start of the ren­tal incur a can­cel­la­tion fee equi­va­lent to 50% of the ren­tal cost.
  • Can­cel­la­tion Pro­tec­tion: Custo­mers have the option to add can­cel­la­tion pro­tec­tion for an extra fee. This pro­tec­tion allows for a full refund if the can­cel­la­tion is made up to 24 hours befo­re the sche­du­led ren­tal start. For can­cel­la­tion, send a mes­sage to

Supplementary Terms:

  • Riding at Your Own Risk: All cycling is done at your own risk.
  • Age Limit: The mini­mum age to rent a bicyc­le is 18 years. The max­i­mum allo­wab­le weight for the cyclist is 120 kg.
  • Alco­hol and Drugs: The­re is zero tole­ran­ce for alco­hol and drugs during the bike rental.
  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion: A valid ID must be pre­sen­ted at the time of rental.
  • Late Return Fee: A fee of 500 SEK is added per com­menced day for delay­ed return.

The ren­ter is respon­sib­le for ensu­ring that:

  • The bicyc­le is always correct­ly loc­ked with the accom­pa­ny­ing lock accor­ding to our instruc­tions. If the­re is an extra chain lock, the bicyc­le must be loc­ked to a fix­ed object.
  • No Sublet­ting: The bicyc­le may not be sublet, lent out, paw­ned, or transferred.
  • Dama­ges and Return: The bicyc­le must be retur­ned in the same con­di­tion as at the time of issu­an­ce. Any dama­ges must be repor­ted upon return. The ren­ter is respon­sib­le for the cost of any neces­sa­ry repairs.
  • Theft: The ren­ter com­pen­sa­tes for the sto­len bicyc­le and equip­ment at full value. In case of theft, the custo­mer must com­pen­sa­te for the cur­rent value of the bicyc­le. We offer a damage reduc­tion option for an extra fee.
  • Acces­so­ri­es: Hel­met, lock, and other equip­ment must be retur­ned in the same con­di­tion as at the time of loan.

By accep­ting the­se terms, you as the ren­ter agree to adhe­re to them for the enti­re ren­tal peri­od. The­se terms are inten­ded to ensu­re respon­sib­le hand­ling of ren­tal bicycles and acces­so­ri­es, as well as to pro­tect both the ren­ter and the ren­tal company.

Personal Data Processing

When boo­king in our boo­king system, we col­lect and pro­cess per­so­nal data from you to com­ple­te your boo­king. We col­lect your email, con­tact, and add­ress infor­ma­tion and sto­re them as long as requi­red to ful­fill our agre­e­ment with you, our custo­mer, and to com­ply with appli­cab­le laws and regulations.