A spe­ci­al expe­ri­ence that is avai­lab­le for a few weeks during the sum­mer. Then you have the option of taking the boat bus from Lillängs­ham­nen in Ham­marö to Borg­vik. From the­re you follow a sec­tion of the Uni­ons­le­den back to Karl­stad. Requires liters more from the cyclist and the bike but offers a lot of cycling expe­ri­ence. Don’t for­get to look at the histo­ric cul­tural envi­ron­ment in Borg­vik. Or take a dip on the way.

Gra­vel cycling between Borg­vik and Karl­stad along the Uni­ons­le­den is a fan­tastic expe­ri­ence for cycling ent­husi­asts. Uni­ons­le­den is a well-marked cyc­le path that runs through beau­ti­ful forest are­as and along lakes and streams. The jour­ney between Borg­vik and Karl­stad is approx­i­ma­tely 70 km and takes approx­i­ma­tely 4 hours to cycle.

During the trip you will pass through sce­nic are­as with many chan­ces to see wild­li­fe such as moo­se, deer and birds. You will also pass histo­ri­cal pla­ces such as Borg­vik Cast­le and Åkers­berg Church.

Gra­vel cycling is per­fect for tho­se who want to com­bi­ne exer­ci­se with enjoying natu­re and adven­tu­re. But it is impor­tant to be pre­pa­red that the road can be a bit chal­lenging at times with rocky and une­ven sec­tions. It is the­re­fo­re impor­tant to have a bicyc­le with good tires and to have enough food and water with you.

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