
Ham­marö – Karl­stad 10 kilometer
Karl­stad – Fors­ha­ga 20 kilometer
Fors­ha­ga – Deje 10 kilometer
Deje – Ran­sä­ter 20 kilo­me­ter
Ran­sä­ter – Munk­fors 10 kilometer
Munk­fors – Hag­fors 30 kilometer
Hag­fors – Eks­hä­rad 20 kilometer
Eks­hä­rad – Stöl­let 30 kilometer
Stöl­let – Syss­le­bäck 40 kilometer

The Kla­rälvs­ba­nan runs along a 90 km paved and car-free embank­ment. Here you tra­vel from an open agricul­tural lands­cape in the south to the dark and fri­end­ly forest in the north.

The Kla­rälvs­ba­nan winds straight through the natu­re of Värm­land, from Karl­stad in the south to Hag­fors in the north. On the way you pass in turn Fors­ha­ga, Deje, Ran­sä­ter, Munk­fors, Hag­fors and Udde­holm. Kla­rälvs­ba­nan is a disu­sed embank­ment, com­ple­tely asphal­ted and gua­ran­teed car-free. On the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan you tra­vel from an open agricul­tural lands­cape in the south to the dark and fri­end­ly forest in the north.

In Udde­holm, the paved Kla­rälvs­ba­nan ends and the Kla­rälvs­le­den takes over. From Hag­fors and up to Syss­le­bäck you can follow the Kla­rälvs­le­den through the Värm­land landscape.

At the Kla­rälvs­ba­nan’s sout­hern entran­ce, the­re is a sign­pos­ted cyc­le path that stret­ches from Kropp­kärrs­sjön to Mör­ud­den on Ham­marö. The distan­ce is 10 km.

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