The Picas­so sculp­tu­re in Kristi­ne­hamn, a fema­le head repre­sen­ting Pablo Picas­so’s wife Jac­que­li­ne, is a 15 meter high sculp­tu­re at the Vålösun­det on Lake Vänern, in the Kristi­ne­hamn archi­pe­la­go, seven kilo­me­ters from the cen­ter of Kristinehamn.

The sculp­tu­re, which is the first concre­te sculp­tu­re by Pablo Picas­so on a lar­ge sca­le, and the lar­gest so far in the world, con­si­sts of a concre­te column, on which two slabs of natu­ral concre­te are atta­ched. The lar­ger slab, which shows Jaque­li­ne’s face in pro­fi­le, is six meters high, four meters wide and weighs four ton­nes. The sculp­tu­re has been car­ved by sand­blasting. It was inau­gu­ra­ted on Mid­sum­mer Eve 1965.

Cyc­le here west from Karl­stad on a stage of the Väner­le­den or take the cyc­le by train or bus to Kristi­ne­hamn and cyc­le on from the­re. The Picas­so sculp­tu­re is loca­ted direct­ly on the Vänerleden.
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