Are you keen to cyc­le around Swe­den’s lar­gest lake? How fun. Namely, the Väner­le­den will be inau­gu­ra­ted this sum­mer. The Väner­le­den will offer cyclists fine swim­ming beaches, world-class cul­tural expe­ri­ences and exci­ting natu­ral phenomena.

The cyclists will pass cozy cafés, well-stoc­ked farm shops and eate­ri­es with White­gui­de sta­tus that can satis­fy hung­ry and thir­sty sto­machs. Around Vänern, the cyclists will pedal on sepa­ra­ted cyc­le pat­hs, low-traf­fic paved roads but also gra­vel roads that wind through archi­pe­la­go lands­ca­pes, forest lands­ca­pes and fer­ti­le farm­land. Some of the stret­ches are alre­a­dy used today as cyc­le pat­hs, other stret­ches are com­ple­tely new as cyc­le pat­hs. The trail will be approx­i­ma­tely 64 miles long. Below we list some of the expe­ri­ences that the cyclists will be able to take part in on their tour:

Cul­tural expe­ri­ences: Sand­grund Lars Lerin, Värm­land muse­um, Als­ters Herr­gård, Kristi­ne­hamn art muse­um, Picas­so sculp­tu­re, Söd­ra Råda old church, Särestad rural muse­um, Dala­borg, Väners­borg muse­um, old neigh­bor­hoods in Mari­estad, Lid­kö­ping, Kristi­ne­hamn and Åmål. The cul­tural envi­ron­ment Not Qui­te and Feng­ers­fors mill. Borg­vik’s cabin ruins and uti­li­ty area.

Natu­re expe­ri­ences: Pla­teau mountains Kin­ne­kul­le, Hal­le and Hun­ne­berg. End morai­ne Hin­den’s Reef, which stret­ches 5 km out into Lake Vänern, and Hjor­tens Udde. Seve­ral natu­re reser­ves such as Kum­me­lön, Surö beech forest, biosphe­re area Kin­ne­kul­le and Vänerskär­går­den, Segerstad archipelago.

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