An easy bike ride along the Kla­rävl­ven, per­fect for a day of picnic­king, bird watching, swim­ming, good food and histo­ric sur­roundings. Takes a round from Karl­stad cen­ter over the old Jakobs­berg bridge, along Ham­marö’s bymyljö­vä­gen, down to Lillängs­ham­nen, to Mör­rud­den, past Skärd­gård­mu­se­um and cul­tural envi­ron­ments around Ham­marö church.

At Grytud­den you will find “Saint Olof’s pot”. It is a so-cal­led giant pot from the end of the ice age.

The pot is part of a cate­go­ry of sac­ri­fi­ci­al sour­ces, which bear the name of the saint Olof. The pil­grims came in boats across Lake Vänern and offe­red coins in the sac­ri­fi­ci­al well out of gra­ti­tu­de for having com­ple­ted the sea jour­ney. After­wards, they went to Ham­marö church, near which they could spend the night, and then con­ti­nue the pil­gri­mage with Nida­ros (Trond­heim) as their destination.

Ham­marö church is one of Värm­lan­d’s beau­ti­ful clap­board chur­ches. That the pla­ce has been impor­tant for a very long time is clear from the buri­al ground and the jud­ge’s ring, which is loca­ted approx­i­ma­tely 800 meters nort­hwest of the church.

North of Ham­marö church is Ham­mar’s pro­mon­to­ry. Here is Ham­marö’s lar­gest and Värm­lan­d’s second lar­gest buri­al ground from the Iron Age. North of the­re is a refe­re­e’s ring, rat­her bad­ly dama­ged after sand mining. The nine sto­nes, which were ori­gi­nal­ly 12, no long­er form a regu­lar ring, but the ori­gi­nal appea­ran­ce of the site can be gues­sed. Wit­hin the jud­ge’s ring the­re was a cot­tage in the ear­ly 1800s.

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Sankt Olofs gryta & Stigen vid Lillängshamnen

Mörudden Camping

Hammarö kyrka

Skärgårdsmuseum, Hammars udde och gravfält